An analysis of the r/technews data of the current month

The goal of this project is to explore the data and present insights drawn from the data
This data is being pulled using the reddit API. The r/technews subreddit contains interesting technology news.


Quinsy Brenda

This data concerns the current month and year.
r/technews has 470000+ subscribers. It shows how often the posts are being crossposted, and what the population is talking about recently. For the recent posts, I use the previous and current day to look at frequent words.
After the cleaning, analysing and poking around in the data, I found the following columns to be interesting:
  1. title
  2. all_awardings
  3. author
  4. permalink
  5. upvote_ratio
  6. total_awards_recieved
  7. score
  8. num_comments
  9. num_crossposts
I also found it necessary to calculate the Day and Time of creation of each post because it will be important in my analysis.
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In the future, what would be interesting to explore?